About The Mayor’s Race

Your votes matter - a vote for mayor is a vote for children and our future!

For over a decade, the Orcas Island community has elected a local pet to be its honorary mayor. The mayor’s race is a light-hearted community fundraiser benefiting Orcas Island Children’s House, an infant-toddler center and preschool.

Candidates, along with their campaign managers, rally as many votes as they can in the four-weeks timeframe—which begins in June and ends on Fourth of July weekend. The pet with the most votes is then announced as the island’s honorary mayor and given the key to the island until the next race! 

Each vote is $1. You can vote online, via text, or just stop by our booth at the Saturday farmer’s market to vote in person. All funds raised support Orcas Island Children’s House, and help keep early childhood education available and affordable for island families. 

 Superdelegate Voting

Thanks to a few generous donors, that wish to remain anonymous, we have superdelegate votes to award during the mayoral campaign.

Each week, these superdelegates will add votes to campaigns that win support and achieve certain goals. There will be a total of 2650 superdelegate votes distributed throughout the campaign.

How Does It Work?

Weekly Winner

The candidate that gets the most votes each week will be awarded 350 super delegate votes.

(Week ending Saturday at midnight, except the last week it will end at Noon)

Midweek Mayoral Madness

The candidate that gets the most votes each Wednesday will be awarded 250 super delegate votes.

(Votes will be tallied from 12:01am Wednesday -  Wednesday Midnight.)